ruth marriott

Ruth paints in both oils and watercolours, specializing in bold landscapes simultaneously redolent of the impressionism of Monet and the expressionism of Van Gogh.

Living in Cornwall for 30 years, I have been continually inspired by the rugged Cornish landscapes.
— Ruth Marriott

Maker’s bio

Ruth has painted all her life, but it wasn’t until she reached her 50s that she chose to start painting professionally. She moved with her family to Cornwall in 1987, and found that the unique countryside made her want to paint exclusively Cornish landscapes. Ruth is self-taught, and has found herself particularly influenced over the years by the works of the great late-nineteenth-century impressionist and expressionist painters. Her inspiration comes from the amazing landscapes of the county: the rugged moorland; the wonderful crashing seas; the colours, the light and the beauty of Cornwall. ‘It is,’ she says, ‘such a very special place.’